
  • Altrecht Academisch Angstcentrum Utrecht
  • GGZ inGeest Amsterdam
  • UCP Groningen
  • GGZ Drenthe, locatie Assen


  • Universiteit Utrecht, Altrecht, GGZ inGeest, VUmc, UCP, GGZ Drenthe

2014 – 2020


Gefinancierd door

  • ZonMw en Hersenstichting, Translationeel Onderzoek 2012

in uitvoering

For further information on the study in Groningen: Renée Roorda (r.roorda@umcg.nl; Febe van der Flier (f.e.vanderflier@uu.nl); Date van der Veen (d.c.van.der.veen@umcg.nl); Danielle Cath (danielle.cath@ggzdrenthe.nl).

Phobic anxiety disorders are prevalent and burdensome in terms of loss of quality of life and work productivity. Exposure therapy with response prevention (with/ without antidepressants) is relatively successful in the majority of patients. However, a substantial subset of patients fails to achieve remission. Preclinical and genetic research have yielded solid evidence that the cannabinoid system is involved in the extinction of fear, presumed to underlie the beneficial effects of exposure therapy in phobic disorders. CBD, a non-psychoactive component of cannabis enhances endocannabinoid signaling. The addition of CBD to exposure therapy is expected to strengthen effects of treatment. To determine the added benefit of CBD on exposure therapy, we are conducting a randomized controlled multi center trial, in which patients in whom previous treatment as usual has not yielded sufficient response receive either CBD or placebo in a double-blind fashion preceding 8 subsequent exposure sessions. A subsidiary aim is to explore which (combination of) clinical, behavioral and genetic profiles of patients are related to treatment response. Seventy- five patients are enrolled between 2015-2019 at the University Center of Psychiatry, Groningen, at Altrecht Academic Anxiety Center Utrecht and at GGZ Ingeest, Amsterdam.