
  • UCP;UMCG, BAVO, Dijk en Duin, GGZ Delfland,GGZ-Noord Holland Noord, Parnassia, ProPersona


  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en Parnassia Den Haag

2014 – 2017


Finance by

  • Fonds NutsOhra, Stichting tot Steun VCVGZ


Chris Geraets, MSc

Background: Many patients with psychotic disorders have persistent paranoid ideation and avoid social situations because of suspiciousness and anxiety. We investigated the effects of virtual-reality-based cognitive behavioural therapy (VR-CBT) on paranoid thoughts and social participation.

Methods: In this RCT, outpatients with a DSM-IV-diagnosed psychotic disorder and paranoid ideation in the past month were randomly assigned (1:1) to VR-CBT (in addition to treatment as usual) or the waiting list control group (treatment as usual). VR-CBT consisted of 16 individual therapy sessions. Assessments were done at baseline, after treatment (ie, 3 months from baseline), and at a 6 month follow-up visit. The primary outcome was social participation, which we operationalised as the amount of time spent with other people, momentary paranoia, perceived social threat, and momentary anxiety. Analysis was by intention to treat.

Results: 116 patients with a psychotic disorder were randomly assigned. VR-CBT did not significantly increase the amount of time spent with other people at the post-treatment assessment. Momentary paranoid ideation and momentary anxiety were significantly reduced in the VR-CBT group compared with the control group at the post-treatment assessment, and these improvements were maintained at the follow-up assessment. Safety behaviour and social cognition problems were mediators of change in paranoid ideation. No adverse events were reported relating to the therapy or assessments.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that addition of VR-CBT to standard treatment can reduce paranoid ideation and momentary anxiety in patients with a psychotic disorder.