
  • UMCG/UCP, GGZ Friesland, GGZ Drenthe, Dimence, Lentis, Mediant, MoleMann Mental Health


  • UMCG/UCP (Prof.dr. Richard Oude Voshaar en Drs. Silvia van Dijk)
  • GGZ Friesland (Drs. Dorothee Veentsra)
  • GGZ Drenthe (Drs. Astrid Lugtenburg)
  • Dimence (Drs. Paul van Dalen)
  • Lentis (Dr. Marjolein Boshuisen)
  • Mediant (Drs. Joyce Peekel)
  • MoleMann Mental Health (Dr. Maureen Smeets)
  • GGZ Rivierduien (Drs. Karel Beenakker)
  • UMCG/Epidemiologie (Dr. Thea van Asselt)

2017 – 2021

248.000 euro

Finance by

  • ZonMw Programma Doelmatigheidsonderzoek

in uitvoering

Dr. R.H.S. van den Brink

Several types of psychotherapy have been proven successful in the treatment of personality disorders in younger age groups, however studies among older patients are lacking. We developed a group schema-focused therapy enriched with psychomotor therapy for older adults with cluster B and/or C personality disorders. The aim of the present study is to evaluate its effectiveness in specialized mental health care. We hypothesize that our treatment program is cost-effective and superior to treatment as usual in reducing psychological distress and improving quality of life in older adults referred to specialized mental healthcare.In a multicenter, randomized controlled trial with a one-year follow-up we compare group schema-focused therapy enriched with psychomotor therapy and treatment as usual for adults aged 60 years and older who suffer from either a cluster B or C personality disorder. The primary outcome is general psychological distress measured with the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-53). Cost-effectiveness analysis will be performed from a societal perspective. Trial registration: Netherlands Trial Register NTR 6621.